5 Steps to Defeat the Evil Spirit of Jezebel on a National Level by Michael Brown for Charisma News
It’s easy to get mad at other people, says author and national radio host Dr. Michael Brown. Media isn’t fair. The courts are biased. Schools are brainwashing kids. The porn industry is evil. Hollywood is pumping out trash. The internet giants are anti-Christian. LGBT activists are taking away rights.
“We all have our list of grievances,” adds the author of Jezebel’s War with America: The Plot to Destroy Our Country and What We Can Do to Turn the Tide. “And many of them are quite valid. We do have reason to be grieved, and people are responsible for their actions. At the same time, our real enemies are spiritual. Our biggest battle is with satanic powers. How, then, do we defeat Jezebel on a national level?”
Brown’s popular book, Jezebel’s War with America, focuses on the fact that the spirit of the biblical figure Jezebel is at work today, through a fascination with radical feminism coupled with the extreme pro-abortion movement, along with a fascination with witchcraft and sorcery and other spiritual and cultural forces, in an attempt destroy America.
“Obviously, if we want to help others, we must get our own houses in order,” Brown continues. “As some of us said years ago during court battles over the public display of the Ten Commandments, the biggest problem is not that we’ve taken these commandments out of our schools; it’s that we removed them first from our hearts and homes. First, we get our own houses in order, then we turn to the nation.”
Brown says there are five steps to begin the process of defeating Jezebel as a nation.
1. We Must Give Ourselves to Prayer
Knowing that the greatest battle is spiritual, Brown says, we understand how we must wage war.